Installing Hardwood Floors in Santa Cruz
Acclimation is a key component to installing hardwood floors in the Santa Cruz area. Acclimation is the time it takes the hardwood to absorb the moisture in our coastal air. Most hardwoods come into the Santa Cruz area being very dry from the milling process. By allowing the wood to acclimate properly, we reduce the […]
Choosing a finish for your hardwood floors
Refinishing hardwood floors in Santa Cruz begins with choosing a stain color and/or finish type. Oil base (polyurethane) finish is the most commonly used in this area. Water base finish is the next option. Finally, other finishes such as wax, tung oil and hard wax oils are also used. Once the finish has been chosen, […]
Deft Durabase Crystal Ultra Water-based Sealer
Waterborne Clear Wood Finish Self-crosslinking 100% acrylic technology offers many of the same features and benefits as our traditional CWF Brushing Lacquer in an environmentally friendly formulation. Excellent on furniture, cabinets, molding, antiques, crafts, and over faux finish.